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The Ancients are what's left over of an old civilization that existed on Aeternum long ago, who left behind temples and pyramid-like structures.

Isabella’s amulet. Equip Isabella’s amulet to gain additional constitution to weather attacks and deal additional damage against certain types of supernatural enemies.

PvP is a major part of New World, although it has seen drastic changes since the first version of the game. While there is a possibility to engage in PvP with other players and even fight massive battles over territory control, it is also possible to completely opt-out of PvP.

Yes, although we haven't seen much of it yet. During our last visit to the New World studio, we were told that magic will be tied to items, such as a healing staff and a fire staff.

Mastiff house pet. Make your house a home with the Mastiff house pet. Access to housing unlocks at level 20 in-game.

While the term "survival" has often come up when describing New World, the few survival elements that the game had in previous iterations have since been removed and the game has shifted to more traditional MMO features.

Crafted items can have different tiers and quality that influence an item's gear score and stats. Higher tier items of the same type require additional crafting components.

One of the dried salt seas in Krailos carries water again. Yet it is still toxic because of the salty sediments.

To enter an arena in New World, players will have to first find a key. These keys will either drop from monsters or be attainable through other ways. If one player with the key uses it at the arena entrance, read more the entire group will be teleported inside as long as they are nearby.

With plenty of changes, some of the biggest are the introduction of new game modes. Outside of the standard MMO gameplay, New World

Each expedition has a unique set of weapons and armor that players can get from completing them. Expeditions also drop exclusive resources (1 type for regular mobs and 1 type for bosses, for each expedition), that can be used to craft these expedition-specific sets with guaranteed perk outcomes. These materials can be traded to other players.

There are Fast Travel Shrines spread across the world that players can use to teleport from one point to another, for the cost of Azoth.

Players can join a settlement by purchasing a house in it. Houses are not affected if settlement ownership changes.

Additionally players can bind to the inn in one settlement, and while in a settlement they can teleport to any other settlement they've previosly visited. All these fast travel options are limited either by long cooldowns or Azoth costs.

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